Book of Mormon Trail Guide - August 2011
1 sticker option* = 151 v. for August
July 31-Aug. 6: Week ONE: (32 v. week's total)
Gadianton and Kishkumen plan to kill Helaman but Helaman's servant outsmarts them -Hela. 2:2-13 (12 v.) / Helaman has 2 sons, Nephi and Lehi; the church suffers from serious problems with pride -Hela. 3:20,21,23,25,26-35 (14 v.) / Church members become weak and lose the spirit -Hela. 4:11-14; 23-24. (6 v.)
Aug. 7-13 Week TWO: ( 39 v. week's total)
Miracles happen when Nephi gives up the judgment-seat to become a missionary with his brother, Lehi - Hela. 5:4-9; 12; 18-23 (13 v.) Nephi and Lehi are imprisoned on their mission but the earth shakes and commands people to repent; A "less-active" saint named Aminadab helps convert people in the prison- Hela. 5:24-49 (26 v.)
Aug. 14-20 Week THREE: ( 47 v. week's total)
Lamanites preach to the wicked Nephites - Hela 6: 2, 3; (2 v.) Gadianton robbers are assisted by Satan but squashed by righteous Lamanites - Hela. 6:20, 21,29,30,31,35-37 (7 v.) Nephi makes a prophecy to the wicked, telling them that their judge has been murdered by his brother, who both belong to the Gadianton gang. -Hela. 8:27-28 Nephi gives more prophecies about the murderous Gadianton
robbers, and is proven correct - Hela. 9:1-21; 25-41 (38 v.)
robbers, and is proven correct - Hela. 9:1-21; 25-41 (38 v.)
Aug. 21-27 Week FOUR : (33 v. week's total)
The Lord gives Nephi incredible power to seal, to move mountains, etc., and nobody can take him or throw him in prison -Hela. 10:2-7;12-16 (11 v.) Nephi persuades the Lord to replace their war with a famine -Hela. 11: 4-5, 7 (3 v.) Samuel the Lamanite preaches to the wicked Nephites -Hela 13:2-4;22,38 (5 v.) Samuel the Lamanite predicts that light will shine all night to signify Jesus' birth far away - Hela. 14:1-8,14-17, 21-26 (14 v.)
*Remember that the one-sticker option can be fulfilled by reading, by finding the picture in the gospel art kit and asking someone to tell you the story, by enjoying the story in the Illustrated Book of Mormon Reader, or by listening to the audio version at
2 sticker option
= 239 v. for August
July 31-Aug. 6: Week ONE: ( 62 v. week's total)
The Lamanite leader Coriantumr kills the Nephite Pacumeni, but then Morinihah kills Coriantumr and regains Zarahemla - Hela. 1:3-31 (29 v.); Gadianton and Kishkumen plan to kill Helaman but Helaman's servant outsmarts them - Hela. 2:1-13 (13 v.) Helaman has 2 sons, Nephi and Lehi; the church suffers from serious problems with pride -Hela. 3:20,21,23,25,26-35 (14 v.) / How church members become weak & lose the spirit -Hela. 4:11-14; 23-24. (6 v.)
Aug. 7-13 Week TWO: (52 v. week's total)
Nephi and Lehi are imprisoned on their mission but the earth shakes and commands
people to repent; a less-active saint, Aminadab, helps convert people - Helaman 5:1-52 (52 v.)
people to repent; a less-active saint, Aminadab, helps convert people - Helaman 5:1-52 (52 v.)
Aug. 14-20 Week THREE: (84 v. week's total) Lamanites preach to the wicked Nephites - Hela 6: 2, 3; (3 v.) Gadianton robbers are assisted by Satan but squashed by righteous Lamanites - Hela. 6:20-37 ( 18 v.) Nephi preaches -Hela. 8:1-17, 24-28 ( 22 v.) Nephi gives prophecies about murderous Gadianton robbers and is proven correct -Hela. 9:1-41 (41 v.)
Aug. 21-27 Week FOUR : (41 v. week's total)
The Lord gives Nephi incredible power to seal, to move mountains, etc., and
nobody can take him or throw him in prison -Hela. 10:2-7;12-16 (11 v.) Nephi persuades the Lord to replace their war with a famine -Hela. 11: 4-7 (4 v.) Samuel the Lamanite preaches to the wicked Nephites - Hela 13:2-4;22,38 (5 v.) Samuel the Lamanite predicts that light will shine all night to signify Jesus' birth far away -Hela. 14:1-8,14-26 (21 v.)
nobody can take him or throw him in prison -Hela. 10:2-7;12-16 (11 v.) Nephi persuades the Lord to replace their war with a famine -Hela. 11: 4-7 (4 v.) Samuel the Lamanite preaches to the wicked Nephites - Hela 13:2-4;22,38 (5 v.) Samuel the Lamanite predicts that light will shine all night to signify Jesus' birth far away -Hela. 14:1-8,14-26 (21 v.)