A.J. brings home worksheets every day. This one is an example of the hilarious, matter-of-fact way he, and most kids at this age, think: He's supposed to write sentences comparing how they are different and alike, so he writes, "I have a square and a circle. And a circle is not the same so I can't tell you how they are alike."
I can't imagine a sweeter, more tender-hearted boy than almost-8-year-old A.J. He loves to cuddle and snuggle with his baby brother, and with me. He is sensitive; he gets in trouble for crying too easily. We're trying to teach him that the world expects him to be tough. But he's not tough, at least not at this age-- and I love that about him.Here he is, attempting to draw the deer while I am taking more pictures of them.
He finally decided to draw from a photograph instead, like his step-dad does when he paints.
This morning, A.J. went to school a half-hour early, wearing pajamas, to participate in the school's read-a-thon. I just want to capture and keep A.J.'s cute smile and soft skin, his slightly too-short p.j. pants, and his hair, brushed with a big purple comb and sprayed to be both forward and backward at the same time. ("Mamma, du gor det inte ratt!")
Mornings, he listens to me reading a few verses from the Book of Mormon out loud (we're in Helaman now) while he eats his Raisin Bran or oatmeal. I have to remind him to sit still and listen because he's trying to read the cereal box, look for deer, pour more milk, get me to sign his homework, and find his socks all at the same time.
Next week, I get to go to his second grade class to produce the Valentine's Day party. We are playing "Don't Eat Pete," the chopsticks-conversation hearts game, cookie-decorating, and story-reading. I love second grade Valentine's Day. Everything in life is huge and colorful at this age.
A.J. doesn't want to give valentines to everyone in the class, but he has to, says Mrs. M.
I think I'll make this one my new main photo. Dalarhast and deer.
Well, here are the photos of what he was trying to draw: look how close they came to the house last night.
This one was leaping, just for fun, back and forth in the farmer's field, spring-loaded like a kangaroo.
These were almost in the house!
I do think deer are beautiful. I wanted to get a photo of the one with the missing antler. He looked comical, lopsided, yet very dignified because of his pride. "Feo, fuerte, y formal" John Wayne would have called him.
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