Is the Book of Mormon true or is it made up?
"No wicked man could write such a book as this; and no good man would write it, unless it were true and he were commanded of God to do so." -George Cannon
And once again, I have to share something that was so well said
but not written by me. Enjoy:
Have you ever heard people say: “Show me some real evidence that Joseph Smith was a prophet, then I’ll believe”?“Through the Book of Mormon, God has provided for our day tangible evidence that Jesus is the Christ and that Joseph Smith is His prophet” (President Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, November 1988, p. 86).
Here is what it would take to make up the Book of Mormon:
- Write the religious, social, and political history of some ancient people, like the Mongols or people from Greenland
- Write the book off the top of your head, using no reference material (no Google in Joseph’s day! And no library nearby either.
- You must have only between 2-3 years of formal schooling (Joseph’s wife said that Joseph couldn’t compose a “well-worded letter” at the time of the translation of the Book of Mormon, let alone make up a whole book (Emma Smith (Preston Nibley, The Witnesses of the Book of Mormon, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1968, p. 28.)
- You must complete the whole book in 65-75 working days. Joseph sometimes would produce 8 pages a day of finished text. Eight pages! Anyone who has written anything knows how difficult that would be. In comparison, modern translators who are working on translating the Book of Mormon consider 1 completed page of translation per day to be productive, and they are working from earlier translations with an entire team of help and modern technology to assist!
- Your book must be full of evidence that science will discover many years after you publish your book that verify your work is authentic. A great example of this in the Book of Mormon was the last art of Hebrew poetry “chiasmus,” unknown to Joseph Smith and learned America but later re-discovered in the 20th century in the Bible. And lo and behold, the Book of Mormon is full of chiasmus. Lucky guess Joseph! Nothing like a backwoods farm boy who knows lost Hebrew poetry. Them type of boys are all over the place. Read Alma 36 to see a really cool one (compare the main message of verse 1 to verse 30, verse 2 to verses 28-29, verse 3 to verse 27 and so on).
- You must invent over 280 new names the world hasn’t heard, many of which properly derive from your ancient people’s language (a language which you don’t know. Have fun with that one.)
- Your book must include the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, including sermons that are so inspiring that people willingly read them again and again and again. However, your book must also teach “new” truths unknown to common society that make unknown passages in the Bible clear.
- Your book must teach more about Jesus Christ than the New Testament does. The Book of Mormon mentions Jesus on average of every 1.7 verses compared to 2.3 in the New Testament. Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Um, yeah. (See Susan Easton Black, Finding Christ through the Book of Mormon [1987], 6-18).
- Your book must be over 500 pages long and 300,000 words
- Your first draft must stand forever (other than very minor grammatical changes)
- You must have three honest members of your community bear testimony to the truthfulness of the book throughout their whole lives, even when you are no longer friends.
- You must be willing to give your life, and the life of a family member, for the book you write
- Last, the Holy Ghost must bear witness to millions of people the world over that your book is indeed the very word of God.
Note: Some of list is summarized from “Brother Joseph” by Kay Briggs. Bookcraft, 1994, p. 13-15
“No wicked man could write such a book as this; and no good man would write it, unless it were true and he were commanded of God to do so.” (George Cannon, as cited by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Safety for the Soul, Ensign November 2009, p. 89).
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