Common Core - a fancy word for "let a huge consortium of states, overseen and directed by the federal government (not state education systems) -- decide what your children will be taught" which is, by the way, unconstitutional, illegal under three federal laws, and leads to nationally-run education at a huge cost, both financially and in terms of freedom.
1. American public education has glaring flaws and needs better standards. (This can be addressed locally more effectively than federally, however.)
2. Misunderstandings have been spread about what common core really costs, both financially and in terms of freedom and autonomy.
This is a link to "2 Moms Against Core Curriculum" which was a presentation in Utah, last week. This is a link to one of the 2 Moms' blogs, which explains more of her research and why she is so concerned.
Other resources for clear information:
The Pioneer Institute website
The Hertitage Foundation website
Truth In Education website
Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina
Senator Michael Fair of South Carolina
Cato Institute
The Pioneer Institute
The Heritage Foundation
A teacher against the common core:
and more:
Americans against nationalized education:
Heritage Foundation
“Federal involvement in the Common Core national standards push is not some figment of
the imagination. Billions in federal funding, strings-attached NCLB waivers, and
significant rhetorical support clearly point to a nationalization of the content taught in the
local schools. . . . South Carolina – and states across the country – are right to have pause
about this latest federal overreach. And they shouldn’t be ridiculed by a federal agency
that has already done plenty to centralize education spending and authority.”
Brookings Institute
“The Common Core will have little to no effect on student achievement. The quality or
rigor of state standards has been unrelated to NAEP [National Assessment of Educational
progress] scores. Moreover, most of the variation in NAEP scores lies within states, not
between them. Whatever impact standards alone can have on reducing within-state
differences should have been already felt by the standards that all states have had since
Pioneer Institute
“Implementation of the Common Core Standards is likely to represent substantial
additional expense for most states [estimated at $16 billion nationwide]. . . . [S]tates
should step back and encourage a public discussion of the potential benefits and costs of
implementing the Common Core Standards. Is realigning the local education system
to the Common Core Standards the best investment of scarce educational resources?
What are the other options that should be considered?”
Cato Institute
“In the U.S., advocates of a national curriculum have for years pointed to nations
at the top of TIMSS and PISA rankings and argued that because those countries
have national curriculums, a national curriculum must be good. The argument is
without merit. What the advocates neglect to observe is that countries at the bottom
of the international rankings also have a national curriculum. . . . [T]here is no
meaningful evidence that national standards lead to better outcomes.”
Edwin Meese III, former U. S. Attorney General
“[T]here is no constitutional or statutory basis for national standards, national
assessments, or national curricula. . . . Even if the development of national curriculum
models, frameworks, or guidelines were judged lawful, we do not believe Congress or
the public supports having them developed by a self-selected group behind closed
doors and with no public accountability.”
Why are people falling for it?
1. American public education has glaring flaws and needs better standards. (This can be addressed locally more effectively than federally, however.)
2. Misunderstandings have been spread about what common core really costs, both financially and in terms of freedom and autonomy.
This is a link to "2 Moms Against Core Curriculum" which was a presentation in Utah, last week. This is a link to one of the 2 Moms' blogs, which explains more of her research and why she is so concerned.
Other resources for clear information:
The Pioneer Institute website
The Hertitage Foundation website
Truth In Education website
Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina
Senator Michael Fair of South Carolina
Cato Institute
The Pioneer Institute
The Heritage Foundation
A teacher against the common core:
and more:
Americans against nationalized education:
Heritage Foundation
“Federal involvement in the Common Core national standards push is not some figment of
the imagination. Billions in federal funding, strings-attached NCLB waivers, and
significant rhetorical support clearly point to a nationalization of the content taught in the
local schools. . . . South Carolina – and states across the country – are right to have pause
about this latest federal overreach. And they shouldn’t be ridiculed by a federal agency
that has already done plenty to centralize education spending and authority.”
Brookings Institute
“The Common Core will have little to no effect on student achievement. The quality or
rigor of state standards has been unrelated to NAEP [National Assessment of Educational
progress] scores. Moreover, most of the variation in NAEP scores lies within states, not
between them. Whatever impact standards alone can have on reducing within-state
differences should have been already felt by the standards that all states have had since
Pioneer Institute
“Implementation of the Common Core Standards is likely to represent substantial
additional expense for most states [estimated at $16 billion nationwide]. . . . [S]tates
should step back and encourage a public discussion of the potential benefits and costs of
implementing the Common Core Standards. Is realigning the local education system
to the Common Core Standards the best investment of scarce educational resources?
What are the other options that should be considered?”
Cato Institute
“In the U.S., advocates of a national curriculum have for years pointed to nations
at the top of TIMSS and PISA rankings and argued that because those countries
have national curriculums, a national curriculum must be good. The argument is
without merit. What the advocates neglect to observe is that countries at the bottom
of the international rankings also have a national curriculum. . . . [T]here is no
meaningful evidence that national standards lead to better outcomes.”
Edwin Meese III, former U. S. Attorney General
“[T]here is no constitutional or statutory basis for national standards, national
assessments, or national curricula. . . . Even if the development of national curriculum
models, frameworks, or guidelines were judged lawful, we do not believe Congress or
the public supports having them developed by a self-selected group behind closed
doors and with no public accountability.”
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