Love has always been the most important business of life.
--- Anonymous

Monday, April 11, 2011

Timpanogos Temple

On Saturday, C.E. and I went to the temple to do baptisms.  There is a peaceful, loving, happy spirit in the temple that is unmatched anywhere else.  I love it there.

C.E. and I submitted one family name, a name of our direct ancestor who lived in Sweden in the 1800s.  What a thrill it was to see C.E. stand in the baptismal font and get baptized for that person (plus for others whom we didn't know).  What a great experience.

I do believe in the life beyond the veil of death.  I believe in angels/spirits/ghosts --the people who have been severed temporarily from their bodies by death, who await the resurrection in the unseen world.  That world is as real as this one.  I wonder if our ancestor was there, watching us with a happy heart in the temple that day.  --Leaping, wanting to say, "Thanks for helping me to do my baptism."

Meanwhile, DH and AJ and the baby went on an outing to the American Fork Target.  They came out with nothing but candy bars.  Men can do that.

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